December 9, 2018

Report Cards
Your child's Report Card was delivered home on Friday in their backpack.
LPS utilizes a Standards-based Report Card, and therefore
covers grade level expectations per content area.
Most standards at each grade level are meant to be YEAR-LONG learning goals,
therefore you may have seen that your child is Approaching Standard for many
of those learning goals, and that is expected.
As you child learns throughout the year, they will gain mastery of more of those
standards. If you have any questions please contact your child's teacher
and they will be able to discuss your child's progress with you.

iReady Diagnostic Testing
This week is the opening of the second iReady Diagnostic testing window.
All Rosedale students grade Kindergarten through fourth grade
will be taking both a reading and math assessment.
These assessments are computer-based, and are adaptive, which
means the complexity of the question depends on how your child
has answered the question before.
For example, if your child answers a problem correctly, the test will adjust the
next question to that level. If your child misses a problem, the
test will adjust to a more appropriate level for your child, and so on.
The iReady Diagnostic is given three times a year for our 
first-fourth grade students, and twice a year to our kindergartners.
Our staff uses the results of these assessments to plan for instruction,
making sure each child is getting what they need academically.
Testing sessions are available to our classes both this week and next.
Please make sure your child gets rest and is motivated to their best! 

Upcoming Events
Dec. 10-21: iReady Testing KG-4th
Dec. 14: Popcorn Friday
Dec. 17-21: Holiday Shop
Dec. 17, 4-5PM: After School Spanish Club
Dec. 18: CU Banking Day
Dec. 19, 3-3:25PM: Holiday Sing Along (during school day)
Dec. 24-Jan. 4: Winter Recess
Jan. 7: Return to School
Jan. 7: PTA Can and Bottle Drive Begins
Jan. 8, 6-7PM: PTA Meeting in the LMC

I look forward to an excellent week
with your children!
Mrs. Kohler


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