March 30, 2020

Dear Families,
As we start week 3 of no school and/or work, we know that you have been inundated with emails and communications from Rosedale and LPS, and it probably feels overwhelming. Please know, we are dedicated to providing you with the most current and pertinent information concerning your child's wellbeing and education. As we wait to hear from Governor Whitmer, we are working hard to provide students with academic enrichment that supports and deepens their learning. We look forward to partnering with you in this process, and we need your support in a few areas.

1. If you have not communicated with your child's teacher, please do so. Our teachers have been working tirelessly to reach out to their kids, and most have been successful in reaching the majority, if not all. It is really important for them to touch base with everyone on their roster, to ensure their needs are being met. 

2. SACC registrations are on hold until further notice. As soon as we have more direction from MDE, we will pass it on. 

3. This past Friday you received an email or DoJo from your child's teacher with suggested daily activities for your child. These activities are for review and practice, and meant to ease your daily planning for your child(ren). Please don't feel any pressure, but participate in these activities depending on what works best for your family. You will also find all weekly plans on our website 

Look for this tab at the top of our home page.

4. Our playground is closed. The Governor issued a stay at home, stay safe directive. Please talk to your child about staying off all playgrounds during this time. 

5. Take advantage of the curbside food service from LPS.... However, there will be no LPS food distribution over spring break, April 6-10. The food assistance program will continue the week after. Look for more information on that from the district.

LPS has created a place for parents to access
optional i-Ready printable sheets
and some grade level Newsela articles.
To print, go to:

A word from Lifetouch...
We have been in contact with Lifetouch regarding this Spring’s school pictures. As you know we haven’t been able to collect picture packets at school due to COVID-19 and recent school closures, but it’s not too late to order school pictures online at If you are not ordering school pictures, you can hold your packet and return it to the school when we resume classes.
Thank you.

Mrs. Kohler's Story of the Day:
"The Other Side," by Jacqueline Woodson.
The Other Side: Woodson, Jacqueline, Lewis, E. B.: 9780399231162 ...

Detroit Public TV At-Home Learning

Viewing Schedule

Kristen Bell is hosting a Nickelodeon special with a “kid’s-eye view” of the coronavirus pandemic, 

7:00 PM tonight, Monday:

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
has released some guidelines you might find helpful,
Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Livonia Public Schools logo
Livonia Public Schools Social Emotional Support (SES) Hotline
Parents, Guardians & Students can contact:
Call (734) 744-2737  or (734) 744-2SES

Here is the original link to online resources for Elementary Students: 

Please visit and click on the COVID-19 Updates page to access the list of resources.

Be on the lookout! April 6-10, 2020
Rosedale Elementary’s Virtual Spring Break Spirit Week

Don't forget to visit us on Facebook,
and keep sending in photos!
The Rosedale Staff misses our Rissos!
We hope you have a great week,
and will keep you updated with any news.
Mrs. Kohler


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